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Confirmation of working hours

Would you like all data to be reviewed by someone before entering it into a report?

Yulia Puplaka avatar
Written by Yulia Puplaka
Updated over a week ago
  • Manual confirmation of working hours

  • Confirmation of mass working hours

  • Two-step verification of working hours

According to the needs of the company, the software can be set up so that the hours are included in the report only if they have been previously confirmed on the timesheet. This setting can be changed by selecting the gear wheel - "Settings" - "Reports":

In the case of larger companies, it is necessary to confirm the working hours so that the data would be confirmed and can’t be changed before the monthly summaries are made. For this purpose, we have created an option in the software to confirm the time series on the timesheet. Working hours can be confirmed one by one or, for example, the entire month's data at once; let's see exactly how:

  • If you want to confirm the data one by one , you need to move the cursor to the check box at the end of the desired time series and press it to make it active. If the sign turns green, the given timeline is confirmed.

  • If you want to confirm bulk data , click with the cursor on the box on the left edge of the screen and it will mark all the time series as active. When marked as active, an additional field opens that allows you to confirm, remove confirmation and delete all active time series.

If it is a company with a more complex structure, where it is necessary to confirm working hours at several levels (e.g. unit manager - accountant), then the user must be given the right to do so. You can read more about the rights HERE .

See also:

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