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Binding employees to an object

How to bind employees to a certain object

Yulia Puplaka avatar
Written by Yulia Puplaka
Updated over a week ago

If you have multiple objects but want to limit employees to be able to register only to certain objects, it can be done in the settings.

This can be useful if there are multiple objects in the company and you want to prevent people from accidentally choosing a wrong object when registering their working time.

To do that:

  1. Click on the "Gear Wheel" - "Objects"

  2. Open the required object by double click or "Edit" button

  3. In the opened window, select the "Bound employees" tab

  4. There you will see 2 columns: Bound and Unbound. Drag the selected employee's name to the Unbound column to unbind it from the object or drag it to the Bound column to bind them to the object

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